Tee-2-Green is the most trusted name in bentgrasses. Atlas Turf is proud to offer our international customers quality bentgrass varieties from Tee-2-Green developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Inc.


Crystal BlueLinks Premium Creeping Bentgrass
Crystal BlueLinks Premium Creeping Bentgrass distinguishes itself from other bents with its remarkable turf quality and unique blue-green color. Crystal BlueLinks is disease resistant, with particular resistance to brown patch and dollar spot. It is cold and heat tolerant and grows extraordinarily well in shade.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

PC 2.0 Creeping Bentgrass
PC 2.0, known as PC2 in Europe, exhibits a stunning, medium green color with a very fine leaf texture. Displaying a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit, it also features an exceptional ability to compete against poa annua. PC 2.0 offers good heat and cold tolerance as well as strong wear and drought tolerance.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

Penn A-1/A-4 Creeping Bentgrass Blend
Penn A-1 and Penn A-4 combine the strengths of two of the most proven bentgrass varieties to create a blend with broad genetic diversity that will produce the highest quality putting surface. Extremely durable and featuring a fine leaf texture and aggressive growth habit, Penn A-1/A-4 excels in a variety of climates and conditions.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass
For the truest, smoothest putting surfaces, look no further than Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass. With a vibrant bright green color, Pure Distinction has a dense and upright growth habit. Aggressive growth and quick recovery combined with wear tolerance give Pure Distinction greens a distinct advantage. Pure Distinction offers excellent disease, cold, and heat resistance. Less thatch and easy maintenance are also among its benefits.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Greens

Pure Eclipse Creeping Bentgrass
Pure Eclipse features a striking dark green color and fine leaf texture that produces a beautiful playing surface with high density and remarkable turf quality. It has a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit and an exceptional ability to compete against poa annua. Pure Eclipse is heat tolerant and disease resistant.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

PureGreen Creeping Bentgrass
PureGreen is a proprietary brand of top-performing creeping bentgrass varieties specifically selected for green use. With enhanced genetics and unique performance characteristics, this blend delivers on the highest level. PureGreen offers cutting edge developments in rapid establishment, aggressive root development, cold germination, and disease resistance.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass
Pure Select has an erect, super-dense growth habit for excellent turf quality and outstanding putting conditions. It is highly resistant to brown patch and Microdochium, and has exceptional dollar spot resistance. Pure Select also greens up quickly in the spring and maintains excellent density throughout spring, summer, and fall. Pure Select tops the charts for wear tolerance, making it a great choice for fairways and tees.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

PureWay Creeping Bentgrass Blend
PureWay is a blend of the latest innovations in creeping bentgrass for tees and fairways. This blend delivers unmatched toughness with shade tolerance, salt tolerance, and disease resistance. The ability to establish quickly and germinate in cold conditions makes it ideal for interseeding. A robust root structure supports a healthy, hearty plant that can tolerate less water and fertilizer making it easier to manage compared to other options on the market.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes

Penn A-1 Creeping Bentgrass
Penn A-1 is a high-performing creeping bentgrass producing exceptional ball roll. This fine-textured dark green bentgrass keeps good winter color and is quick to green-up in the spring. Penn A-1 offers outstanding cold and heat tolerance and stands up well to humid conditions. It rates well for disease resistance.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

Penn A-4 Creeping Bentgrass
Penn A-4 Creeping Bentgrass, like Penn A-1, is an exceptional turfgrass with fine texture and high density. This vigorous, dark green bentgrass provides excellent disease resistance as well as a high tolerance for heat, humidity and cold. It is easy to manage, has an aggressive growth habit and recovers quickly from injury. Penn A-4 tolerates effluent water.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

Penncross Bentgrass
With a long history of excellence, Penncross Bentgrass remains a favorite with golf course architects and superintendents the world over. Penncross establishes quickly providing a true and smooth putting surface. Aggressive upright growth, quick recovery, and wear tolerance make it an excellent choice for tees and landing areas as well. Featuring a medium green color, Penncross is heat and cold tolerance and offers strong disease resistance.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes
Golf Course Greens

PureFormance Fairway Blend
For unmatched playability and performance, look to PureFormance Fairway Blend. Combining the best traits of three elite bentgrass varieties, the PureFormance blend offers genetic diversity for quality playing surfaces. Superior disease resistance and excellent traffic tolerance are notable features as well as heat and cold tolerance. PureFormance is also quick to establish and germinate, greens-up early in spring, and recovers rapidly. PureFormance is suitable for new turf applications, overseeding, and interseeding.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Fairways
Golf Course Tee Boxes