Despite a path that includes a few dips and bumps along the way, golf course development in China is far from over. In a country where interest in golf is growing and professional golf talent is flourishing, demand for golf courses will need to keep pace. The current number of golf courses in the country is reported to be around 500. Many of those were built during the golf explosion in China during the 1980’s. As these courses age and require renovation, and as new courses are constructed, the search is on for the top turfgrasses for golf courses in China.
Seeded paspalum and bermudagrass varieties offered by Atlas Turf International provide elite turfgrass choices for golf course developments of all kinds. Utilized at top facilities worldwide, Pure Dynasty® Seeded Paspalum is the turfgrass solution tee-to-green, and the brand-new PurePro® delivers unmatched seeded bermudagrass performance for fairways, rough, tees, and surrounds. Choosing seed over vegetative turfgrasses in many cases allows for faster grow-in, requires less labor to plant, and can be more economical.
Pure Dynasty Seeded Paspalum
Developed by the research and turf breeding experts at Pure-Seed Testing, Pure Dynasty® is the ultimate seeded paspalum available. As a combination of two high-performing varieties, Pure Dynasty delivers superior performance with turfgrass that is tighter, better, faster, and stronger.
With fine texture and the ability to thrive at various heights of cut, Pure Dynasty is one of only a few turfgrasses that is highly suitable for planting tee-to-green. This characteristic offers numerous advantages including streamlined maintenance, cost savings, consistent quality, and fewer inputs.
Pure Dynasty features a vibrant and rich green color that emerges quickly in the spring and retains its color longer in the fall. Withstanding the toughest conditions China can offer, Pure Dynasty performs well in low light conditions, tolerates a wide variety of water qualities, and resists disease pressure better than bermudagrasses and most zoysias.
For quicker establishment and enhanced survivability, Pure Dynasty features PureCoat+™ water absorbent coating. Developed by Pure Seed, this patented seed coating provides the seedling with special nutrients and water absorption capabilities, while also helping to guard against environmental pressures.

On the market for only a few years, Pure Dynasty’s proven genetics and superior playing surface have led to its selection at many quality projects. Some of them include FLC Samson Golf Links in Vietnam, Dubai Hills Golf Club in the United Arab Emirates, Rainforest Golf Club in the Philippines, Bukit Pandawa Golf Club in Bali, Indonesia, and at Royal Greens Golf and Country Club in Saudi Arabia which will host a European Tour event in 2019.
PurePro Seeded Bermudagrass
PurePro® is the newest, most innovative seeded bermudagrass on the market. As a blend of the highest performing bermudagrass varieties, PurePro features the attributes that deliver superior turf surfaces. This deep-rooting, dense turf is strong enough to withstand extreme use including high levels of play with caddy and golf cart traffic.
The strength and durability of PurePro not only provide the ultimate playing surfaces but also offer excellent recovery from divots. PurePro has a fine texture and a deep green color. Early spring green-up and excellent color retention in the fall extend the vibrancy of the turfgrass. During the colder season, PurePro can be easily overseeded with perennial ryegrass and transitions out of overseeding quickly.
PurePro is both disease and salt tolerant to withstand demanding conditions and all levels of water quality.
Converting existing courses to Pure Dynasty and Pure Pro
Pure Dynasty Seeded Paspalum and PurePro Seeded Bermudagrass are excellent options for any renovation project. Both varieties can be interseeded into existing turfgrass for easy and economical conversions.